
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

It's ok if I fail !

My dearest blog followers, it's another peace of writing I am sharing with you. Lately,  i have been thinking alot specially after i graduated. Finding a good job and study MA degree became another goal to achive. "I am on the right track and I am achiving alot in short time "this is what I am telling myself, yet that doubty feeling comes and tries to concur my soul and make me wonder if I am doing the right thing.  Am I on the right path ? What if this right path is not right after all and I am being misdirected by my thoughts,emotion and imaginations?
What If I regret the decisions I am making later ? What if I fail and I fall into a halo ?many what ifs come to my mind.
Here I sit and i look at the sky listening to some noisy crockroaches chatting everywhere among the trees with their noisy  sounds in the farm while i still wonder am I on the right path ?while, hiding from everything and everyone and trying to understand if the decisions we make are right I realise  there is no right decision until you take the risk. One can never know how tomorrow will be and what will be waiting for us at the end of the tunel unless we try. I am realising even if I fail I shouldn't regret it. At least then i won't blame anyone for it and she'd tears of regret and sorrow.

I am realizing, one should always be the master of their own life. Making decisions, taking risks and do what you believe its right and step toward success. One should not fear failing but should fear not standing again.
I will give you a small advice:
A failure comes because of your decision is better than a failure you were forced to go through it.
Therefore, take the risk, make up your mind and set your priorities to achive you goal and if by chance you didn't achive the success you expect it, then try again because it's OK if you fail.

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