
Friday, December 26, 2014

A Cold but Warm December

My beautiful and amazing blog readers, i know it’s been more than 6 months and i did not write you something. I am being a bit selfish for not sharing what i always write; therefore I don't dare to ask for forgiveness. I still wanted to share this piece of writing with you. 
While i was sitting with my family members in front of the heater having some oranges, i read a little piece of information that reminded me of a little girl's fear in the past few years.  
That little information said “if humans want to success and they are afraid of failure they should concentrate more on success and direct their thoughts toward how to maximize the chances of success rather than focusing on their fear of falling". 
This little information reminded me of a girl that used to hate December and cold weather. There was a reason for that negative feeling she had for this month. Most of the people love it. It’s the season of Christmas and exchanging beautiful gifts. It’s the season of love, family gathering, celebrations and more love. It was different with her, for reason or no reason she used to cry a lot in December. She tended to be sad and a bit down.  I wondered why this little girl always hated December !!!, and through that peace of information I found out the reason. It was simply because she was concentrating more on her fear rather than focusing on the enormous joys of this beautiful month. 
That little girl feared loneliness because she had a fearful thought that cold weather will make her loved people cold and this will make her heart cold in return. luckily she changed, she is no more afraid now, because she found out that her loved ones will not be cold with the cold weather but with love they will keep each other warm. Her heart won’t turn cold not even for a second. Actually it won’t be warm as well but on fire and she will warm others with her beautiful feelings. 
She is now concentrating more on these beautiful ideas and feelings rather than her fear of loneliness. This December is different and the coming Decembers will be even more different. Now it’s not her choice to feel that way, because she is surrounded by amazing, brilliant and special lovely people who will force her gently to be happier and they won’t leave her a room to fear loneliness. 
If you fear something like that little girl had, STOP focusing on it and look at the beautiful things and maximize your chance of surviving in this life.
These are some thoughts of this Cold but warm December i had this year.