
Friday, December 26, 2014

A Cold but Warm December

My beautiful and amazing blog readers, i know it’s been more than 6 months and i did not write you something. I am being a bit selfish for not sharing what i always write; therefore I don't dare to ask for forgiveness. I still wanted to share this piece of writing with you. 
While i was sitting with my family members in front of the heater having some oranges, i read a little piece of information that reminded me of a little girl's fear in the past few years.  
That little information said “if humans want to success and they are afraid of failure they should concentrate more on success and direct their thoughts toward how to maximize the chances of success rather than focusing on their fear of falling". 
This little information reminded me of a girl that used to hate December and cold weather. There was a reason for that negative feeling she had for this month. Most of the people love it. It’s the season of Christmas and exchanging beautiful gifts. It’s the season of love, family gathering, celebrations and more love. It was different with her, for reason or no reason she used to cry a lot in December. She tended to be sad and a bit down.  I wondered why this little girl always hated December !!!, and through that peace of information I found out the reason. It was simply because she was concentrating more on her fear rather than focusing on the enormous joys of this beautiful month. 
That little girl feared loneliness because she had a fearful thought that cold weather will make her loved people cold and this will make her heart cold in return. luckily she changed, she is no more afraid now, because she found out that her loved ones will not be cold with the cold weather but with love they will keep each other warm. Her heart won’t turn cold not even for a second. Actually it won’t be warm as well but on fire and she will warm others with her beautiful feelings. 
She is now concentrating more on these beautiful ideas and feelings rather than her fear of loneliness. This December is different and the coming Decembers will be even more different. Now it’s not her choice to feel that way, because she is surrounded by amazing, brilliant and special lovely people who will force her gently to be happier and they won’t leave her a room to fear loneliness. 
If you fear something like that little girl had, STOP focusing on it and look at the beautiful things and maximize your chance of surviving in this life.
These are some thoughts of this Cold but warm December i had this year.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

They do not exist, we creat them

My dearest blog reader, I know it is been a very long time since I last time wrote something and shared it with you.  Life is too busy and it took me away from many things. It took me away from reading, writing and imagining. On the other hand lots of beautiful things happened to me that I was overwhelmed with. Lots of beautiful people entered my life that I am grateful for. Lots of pages were were filled with memories in my beautiful diary and lots of lessons were learnt.This time I am sharing something that recently happened to me. Something that I found a conclusion for.
Cutest reader :)  I have always believed that there is good soul and bad soul. It's a fact that they both exists, but I have never bothered myself wondering how the bad soul came to life. I have never thought how the bad soul is created and who creates it  !!!
But recently I faced something at work that showed me how bad soul is created and how it becomes part of us. Sometimes it becomes us. Sometimes when you are well known for being kind and never questioning what the elders say, and even if you do you do not discuss it with them so that They do not feel they are disrespected, it is hard to show the unkind, devil side in you and it is hard for them to believe that you have that side in you. 
I think this is changing as one starts working in different places and for different people with different mindsets. Gradually you figure out that each time you work for a new place and you leave, unconsciously you leave a little bit of your kindness and shyness. You leave some of your innocent spirit. You leave your naivety. You will find out that some places take these things from you and they are giving you some of the devil spirit instead. True, I agree in a realist world of working one should not be naive and one should not be very innocent but I can not agree that we need to be bad in order to success. I do not agree "with bad souls the world can be a better place". Recently I was surrounded by negative energy and negative people whom were dragging me to the wrong negative path.
They were  dragging me to path of complaining about everything and hating the world ,But luckily I was wise enough to stop myself being affected by them. I was a little bit wise to wake up from that nightmare and start dreaming and seeing the world clearly with my awesome and beautiful eyes. (if you know me well, you know its normal to complement myself :)
Dearest reader, do you know that we make bad people ? We make devils ? Can you believe that ? Can you believe that with one small word or one small action you can make monster ?  We make devils from very innocent creatures, from beautiful souls who do not know what is bad spirit but we fool them and we make them bad.i was lucky to not change from a good person to into a devil with negative spirit. Luckily I was lucky enough to have more beautiful people in my life rather than dark and negative people around me.
Yes I came to a conclusion that humans themselves make devils. Devils themselves do not exist. we make devils when we talk wrong, when we act wrong. when we believe wrong.
therefore let us be careful with the words that comes out of our mouths. let us be careful with our actions, behaviors and with our believes, because those little things can make devils out of innocent humans.   

Saturday, March 29, 2014

That spirit 

         No matter how mature we get,how old we get,we still have that spirit in us. That spirit which keeps us alive,free and keeps us very happy. Deep inside ,right there somewhere in our souls we keep it safe,we do not want to lose it but protect it. Sometimes we forget about it as time passes by and we get busy with the busy ,crowded life but it never means we lost it. It is that beautiful childish spirit and it is always there deep in our souls. That childish spirit is the most pure and innocent thing in us.without us feeling, it makes us do things we never thought we can do when we will get older.  
Sometimes life takes us far away with its problems and we forget that one day we were children and our biggest concern  was losing a toy or having a candy. All what we were busy with was having fun, running, screaming,and sometimes crying. As we grow older we think it is not our right to have fun, to be happy or even to cry. We think now we are too mature for these things and we always need to be serious because life does not accept weak people and we think being mature is equal to being strong. We think by doing this people will take us seriously and will see us as perfect mature individuals. We think it is immature to laugh, to smile, to cry, even to scream out loud to express our feelings because this might show the kind side in us and we do not want to show it or bring it out but we show the tough,strong side in us. We think if we are tough in our actions then we are strong.
With these unjustified thoughts we turn from human beings with flesh and blood,with feelings and souls to robots. We accept to be driven by life wherever it takes us. We give up on our right to lead our lives and we accept to be led by it.
Then as we get older and older,we miss that little baby spirit in us.  We miss being 8 years old and we miss being careless about lots of things in this life. 
We will wish if we did not waste time with those thoughts, we will wish if we lived every single minute of our life with happiness when we had the chance and the time to do so. We will wish to go back with time and make up on what we thought it was a waste of time, make up for things we thought if we do them then we are weak and immature. We will wish so many things.
Dear whoever is reading this, we all have that hidden child in us no matter how old or mature we get. So let's  Keep it,and protect it. Do not neglect it, because that spirit adds a tasty flavor to your life.  Before getting into the wishing position about things you could do, get up and do them and never regret something made you happy one day.
Life is beautiful no matter how hard it gets. It's beautiful as long as you are in it. It's beautiful as long as your beautiful soul is there.  So give a smile to the world and bring out that lovely child in you from time to time and do not leave it  or neglected deep deep in you,because if you do, believe me you will regret it and one day it might go and it will never come back.